Camila Sánchez is a journalist, feminist, bookseller, lecturer and cultural promoter. She began her professional career at the editorial desk of Foro TV. She has been head of cultural content at Ibero 90.9 and anchor of the news program Hipervínculo at MVS Noticias. At Ibero 90.9 she was head of the program Inspiria, broadcasting the country's emerging culture. She is currently host of the interview program Newsweek al aire, on the same radio station and editorial director of Newsweek en Español magazine, with distribution in Mexico, Argentina and other Latin American countries.
Arturo Saldivar is coordinator for Ocesa Conciertos, where he participated as part of the production for national tours such as Tour Madonna 2019, Radiohead, Bunbury, Metallica, Peter Gabriel, Café Tacuba, Vive Latino, Jonas Brothers, Muse, Mocedades, among others.
For media he worked as producer of several programs for IMAGEN Radio, IBERO Radio and Los 40 Principales.
He was creative director of Talent Land, creative consultant for Warner Bros Discovery, working hand in hand with HBO production company.